20 Questions with

Samuel buckshot-title.jpg (10872 bytes) MacCrea


Section One

1. You are plagued by a recurring dream/nightmare. Describe it.

In the dream, Buckshot is running across a plain of cropped grasses, in
every direction, lay slaughtered bison. As he runs across the plain he can
hear the sounds of an engine and the rapid stacatto of gunfire. The sound
gets progressivly louder until he comes upon a Fokker Albatross bearing
down on him from the other side of a rise. Just as he is about to be
gunned down, he wakes up.

2. From your point of view, in relations with subordinates, is it better to
be loved than feared or better to be feared than loved? Would the answer be
different with others?

A leader through fear will never have his men win against the odds through
sacrifice. Being loved is far superior.

3. What is your favorite food? What food do you hate?

Favorite food: steak and potatoes.
Most hated food: eggs, in any form.

4. What was your first or most memorable love affair? [This can be anything
from a pre-teen crush to a long-term romance.] Be sure to describe the
object of your affection, along with the changes that you went through in
terms of feelings and thoughts about that person. Did it start out in terms
of maddening hatred? Instant love? Who fell for who first? Were the
feelings a surprise? How did it end? How does everyone involved feel about
it now?

>From the moment I saw her, it was love. I was struck down to the marrow of
my bones by her elegance, stance, and bearing. Her shapely form only
hinted at the power and thrill she was able to give me. When we danced
together, there was not a man alive who was not evious. She was my first
love, and my greatest love. I know there can never be another like her,
and my memories of our time together will always be the staff I measure all
others against. On cold winter nights, when the wind rips through the silent
hills, I can close my eyes and feel her gentle warmth, and unerring
strength. Alas, she is gone now, my beautiful SE5a, shot down by the Germans
over the Basque mountians.

5. You get into a discussion about death and dying. How would your
character describe the perfect death?

In a blaze of gun fire, decimating the enemy against overwhelming odds, so
that my comrades in arms can complete the mission.

6. What were you like at the age of ten [fifth grade]? Were you a wimp, a
bully, a nerd, a snitch or a klutz? Or none of those? Were you popular or
not? Write up a description, and, if you like, a little day-in-the-life-of
story of you at that age?

I was a bit of a loaner, I had my three best pals, we stuck together
through thick and thin. Sometimes it felt like us against the world, but
there was alway us. We didn't need them, and most of them understood that
we was a thing apart--not a clique in their crowd.

Buckshot was a natural athelete from day one, his father would say proudly.
Not necessarily the strongest, but perhaps one of the most graceful and
physically adept. He tended towards individual types of sports, or those
that could be played with his small close group of friends.

7. Did you ever have a pet? What kind of pet? Where is it now or what
happened to it?

We moved around a lot when I was young. Going where Father's business took
us. I liked the horses we had at some of the places, but didn't get too
attached to them since it was likely we might move pretty soon. Animals
always have been warm to me, they do as I ask because they know I like them
back. I guess its kind of strange for most folks to stick a hand out the
window and have a robin fly over and perch on your finger, but that would
happen all the time. They weren't real pets, because they was wild
critters, but they treated me nice, and I could get them to do tricks and

8.a. How would your father describe you? Your mother?

Father was proud enough of me in the war, but I think he was kind of upset
I didn't settle down on the ranch and work the bison. He's told me a
number of times that I have a wandering heart and I let it fool with my
head. Ma, she loves me for who I am. She came to all the shows the Rodeo
did in Great Falls and Colorado Springs, and she told me I was her hero,
bright and brave.

b. How do you think your character's father would describe your
character? Your character's mother?

Samuel got too much a taste for the world when he was young. I suppose
that's part my fault for letting business drag us all over the place. I
had hoped that the Great War would have cured him of that, but still he
wanders about, joining that consarned rodeo show, then disappearing to who
knows where, worrying his poor mother sick to death. He's still an
irresponsible boy, living in the body of a man. I hope that he'll settle
down soon and grow up.

My Samuel is fearless, good hearted, talented and pure as a 20 dollar gold
piece. He would never let a friend down, nor stand for someone being
crossed. I taught him to follow the Lord's word, and I think that he took
it to heart. Fighting in the Great War just wasn't enough for Sam, he
needed to see what he could do in America as well. I know that someday,
he's going to surprise me with grandchildren, that would be the only thing
that would make me prouder than I am of him now.

9. Describe your perfect "date". What events would it involve? Would it be
with a group, or just one-on-one?

Hard to say really, you should always treat a lady nice, show her respect,
but going out is for fun, and you gotta have fun yerself too. I like to
eat a good meal, I would hope my lady friend would enjoy eating too, so
maybe a nice restaurant, then go somewhere afterwards where we can share an
experience, perhaps a moonlit stroll, or a visit to the zoo where we can
watch the animals sleep. For some reason, I find the ladies really like
when the animals do tricks.

10. Describe your perfect evening? Would it involve others or be alone? If
it involves others, who would it involve?

Some good food, a good fight, a good flight. Ifn there's others there too
that's fine by me.

11.a. Which self-improvement course do you need more: "Assertiveness
Training", "Ten Steps to a New Love Life", "How to Win Friends and
Influence People" or "Organizing Your Life"? Why? Which courses would you
be qualified to *teach*?

I could certianly teach a thing or two about being assertive. Don't think
I really nead the others, well given my latest string of lady friends,
maybe the love life one. Shrug.

b. Which of the above courses does your character *really* need? Which
is one he or she is *actually* qualified to teach? [Answer as the player,
not the character.]

Buckshot could use a couple of sessions of organizing your life, he tends
to move to a new situation when things get confusing. He's right on about
teaching assertiveness training.

12.a. How would you describe your perfect mate/spouse?

She can't be squeemish, or shy away from danger. She's gotta be respectful
of a man's private thoughts. She's gotta be fond of animals, and able to
handle living away from the city. Gotta be pretty to, Ma wouldn't like no
ugly grandkids. And I don't want no lady telling me what I can't do cuz
she's a scared I'll git myself shot up.

b. As the player, do you agree with the answer to 12.a? How is the
character mistaken? Is he or she overly idealistic? Or are they looking for
all the wrong things?

Buckshot tends to scare away most of the likely candidates with his
wandering and adventurous life. He would be better off looking for
someone who was more of an adventurer than a homebody to look after his

13. Everybody has some little item that they regard as somehow sacred. A
piece of clothing, a memento of some event, whatever. What is yours? How
did you find it and why is it special?

My boots was made for me special by a great man, a Lakotan medicine man back
in summer of '28. You don't need to know the specifics of it, but they's
mighty special to me, and you best not be pokin at them. Got it?

His boots are made of cured mountain lion hide, and were given to him after
he saved the life of Running Water, medicine man to the tribe he was
staying with. Running Water is also the one who helped Buckshot tune his
ability with animals and was his mentor during that time. Running Water
was killed while trying to divert a thunderstorm and flood from wiping out
a hunting party Buckshot was leading. The medicine man was successful in
halting the lightning strikes from hiting the flooded sands, but at the
cost of calling the strikes upon his own person. Buckshot still hasn't
forgiven Running Water for the sacrifice.

14. You are the butt of a practical joke. Can you see the humor in it? Will
you get even? Does getting even involve another practical joke, or is it
more serious than that?

I can laugh at a good joke, even if I'm the butt of it. Course turnabout
is fair play, and the snake that joked me is gunna get a wallop of his own
sometime soon.

15. Do you sleep well? If you dream, what kind of dreams are they? Do you
remember them when you awaken?

Aside from the reoccuring nightmare and a couple of rare occurances from
time to time, I don't regularly remember my dreams. I can get up with the
sun with out no one poking their boot into my backside. I can also sleep
late on a sunday when visiting my folks at home.

16. To you, does revenge mean (1) "an eye for an eye", (2) "repayment with
interest", (3) "the only good enemy is a dead enemy", or (4) something
else? In exacting your revenge, would you serve it hot, as soon as possible
after the offense, or cold, awaiting a perfect place and time?

An eye for an eye. That's what the Lord wrote, that's what a man has to
do. Don't matter much to me if revenge is served hot cold or somewhere
inbetween, as long as at the end, the one being revenged knows why.

17.a. What emotions can you express in public? Sorrow? Anger? Sadness?
Humor? Disappointment? Joy?

What are you askin? When I'm happy I smile and laugh; when I'm mad, I
shout and curse; when I'm glum I mourn.

b. Which emotions can you *never* express in public?

Fear, in fact he doesn't deal with fear even when alone. Buckshot is
truely without fear, for all the good and bad that comes with that.

18. Describe your voice. Would you say that you speak with formality?
Casually? Do you have any favorite expressions/curses?

Buckshot has a slight drawl, peppered with western coloquialisms. A mild
tenor, but not unplesant to the ear. He tends to curse in Arabic when in
the presence of lady folk, or use pseudo curse words (consarned, dag
blammit, polecat etc)

Section Two:


1. Give a brief description of this PC's childhood, including emotional and
economic status, and any unique or odd events.

Born into pomp with the comming of the new century, he grew up in luxury
with private tutors at most times, and had stints with public education
only when his family was living in the states. Even then he still was
tutored at times. An only child, he might have been doted upon were it not
the fact that his father was obsessed with being successful in business.

Most notable was the circumstances of his birth, he was the first recorded
birth on January 1, 1900, just 23 seconds after the striking of midnight.
The subject of his birth was covered in papers across the nation and he was
Christened by the papers as Baby New Century. Fortunately, by the time he
could walk and talk, it was only a story in the library archives.

2. How does this character deal with his/her past? (any scars, emotional or

He is very secretive about his time with the Lakota, and tends not to talk
about the wealth of his family. He has the means to live much more
comfortable than he does, but prefers to not relie on the trusts that have
been set up for him. He'll only dig into the funds when it comes to
travel, but he usually travels as a common man, not first class.

3. Describe this PC's past relationships (open love/lust, secret love for a
friend/acquaintance) and sexuality.

Haven't thought about this much yet. He has had a string of meaningless
girlfriends, most start by being impressed with something he did or a
story about him then come to realize that many of the tall tales are not so
tall, and that he lives a dangerous life, then they flee.

As a boy from about 9 until his teens he was close with three other lads.
George and Frankie were twins, sons of his fathers business partner. The
fourth was Oliver, son of the majordomo of the homestead. Frankie died at
13 from small pox. This event hit the three boys very hard, and drew them
together even more, locking out many others that might have been closer
friends. Oliver followed him into the RAF, albeit legally as Oliver was
two years his senior. Oliver was shot down and died in the subsequent
crash, in the same mission that Buckshot lost his SE5a in the Basque
mountians in 1917. George is still a close friend, though he lives in New
York and has followed his father's steps into business. The fact that
Buckshot's parents chose to move to the midwest and start the ranch was at
first a bit of a difficulty as George felt a bit abandoned, but he soon
realized that the move was orchestrated by Buckshot's father in an attempt
to grow closer to his percieved estranged son.


1. To what extent is the PC a leader, a follower, or a loner? (Would they
change what they mostly are of the above, and under what circumstances?)

As a tactician, and a doer, Buckshot is either the leader or the loaner, an
aspect that is entirely dependent upon if others with him can keep up. He
will go out of his way to make sure those under his command are secure, but
not if it is going to cost someone else to sacrifice.

2. Does this PC have personal needs, such as love, friendship, etc.?

He's a bit of a showman, and tends to do daredevilish stunts to gain the
recognition or applause of others. He is pretty simple need wise, air,
food, water and shelter are almost equal to human contact.

3. Towards which nationalities or groups, if any, does this PC feel
animosity? (Why?)

Germans, he still hates the Germans, mostly for the way they waged war.
Now for the rumored atrocities that the Nazi's are planning. Mostly this
is just another excuse to hate them for what happened in the Great War.

4. What fears does this PC have (they can be actual phobias, or just
worries) and where did they come from?


5. Does this PC have any habits, or quirks?

He subsconsiously cracks his knuckles before picking up a gun. He likes to
bet on himself when given the opportunity.

Modus Operandi:

1. If an opponent surrendered and asked for mercy, would this PC grant it,
and under what circumstances, if any?

Depending on what acts against his allies the foe had done, perhaps. If
his code of honor required that he take the foe's life in return for crimes
committed, no mercy would be shown.

2. If an NPC approached your PC and asked for protection, would this PC
grant it, and under what circumstances?

Under most circumstances he would, and it would highly unusual if he didn't
accept the request for a woman.

3. Would this PC share his/her wealth with a friend who needed it?


4. Does this PC have any charities/causes to which he/she donates? (in any
form -- could be volunteering)

He is against what the US has done to the Native Americans, and sends money
to other organizations that offer to help their plight. It is also rumored
that outlaw bands of Indians (not living in the reservations set aside for
them) are living on the ranch his family owns.

5. Is there anything for which this PC would risk his/her life? (What is it?)

To save a friend or ally. Perhaps some would consider his stunts life

6. Does this PC prefer to use force or cleverness to accomplish things?

Clever force.

7. Does this PC like to have strong roots, or do they drift from person to
person, hobby to hobby? (To what extent, and which areas?)

He knows what he likes, just not where he wants to stay on a permanent

8. What goals, if any, does the PC have for their life? (How fixated are
they on these goals?)

This will likely depend on what happens with the campaign.

9. How does this PC handle stress? Dangerous situations?

There is no stress, there is no danger. Essentially, he ignores it by
focusing on something else.


1. Would this PC kill, harm, or torture? (Under what circumstances?)

Kill to revenge a life or punish a murderer. Harm in retribution. Never

2. Would this PC enjoy killing people, harming them, or torturing them?
(Why/why not?)

No enjoyment, this is a grim task that must be done; it is what is right
and can not be denied, but there is no enjoyment in the task, only in the
relief of the need.

3. Would this PC lie? (Under what circumstances, and to who?)

Perhaps. If it would allow a greater good to success.

4. Would this PC obey a law even if he/she thought it was wrong?

no. They must not have thought of this situation when the law was made,
they was just plain wrong.

5. Does this PC desire power, wealth, or fame?

Fame first, then power, but not to a great extent.. He has access to wealth
and shuns it.

6. Under what circumstances would this PC desert his comrades?

If they betrayed him.

7. Under what circumstances would this PC put his/her own welfare in ahead
of that of the group?

Hard to say. Its unlikely he would do such a thing.

8. Would the PC risk the lives of his/her companions without their
knowledge and consent?

yes, if it was for the greater good and he could come up with no other
method for success.

9. Does this PC consider the use of force or the use of cleverness and
guile to accomplish things to be "more" moral?

Force and cleverness are equal. Tricking folks ain't right.

10. Does this PC feel that the ends justify the means, no matter what those
"means" may be?


11. Does this PC get his/her way by bullying others into what he/she wants?


12. Does this PC feel that the strong are entitled to exploit or manipulate
the weak? (Does he/she indulge in it, too?)

No. In fact he would go out of his way to help the underdog and the down


1. Where were you on "Black Friday" (when the stock market crashed?) How
did it affect you?

He was wandering the back country, it had very little influence on his
actions or emotions. His family wealth was diverse enough that it was not
overy harmed.

2. What's your idea of [musical] fun? Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, Bela
Bartok, or some nameless hack from Tin Pan Alley?

Guitar singing is nice. Don't recognize most of them names.

3. For the Ladies: Would you rather spend an evening with Clark Gable,
Charlie Chaplin, or Werner

4. For the Men: Would you rather be trapped on a desert island with May
West, Katherine Hepburn, or
Amelia Earhart?

Amelia Earhart.


1. Did you agree or disagree with Phohibition? To what extent? (Did you
run a speakeasy, make your own gin, or take an axe to every keg you set
your eyes on... I think Harding was known to keep a stash of hootch hidden
somewhere in the Whitehouse.)

He had a private stash, didn't see the sense in prohibition since those
that wanted it got it anyway.

2. Should Shoeless Joe have been banned from baseball after the 1919 "Black
Sox" scandal? (Shoeless Joe played outstanding baseball during the
series. His performance was almost certainly unaffected by the money he
took. "Say it ain't so, Joe!")

He shouldn't have taken that money. He got what was coming to him. He was
weak, and punished for his weaknesses.

3. How do you feel about labor unions and strikers? Are strikers heroes for
the common man, or dangerous threats to American democracy who should be
stopped at all costs...

labor unions are a necessity to allow the common man to stand up to big
business, but striking is taking unfair advantage of their group power.

4. Should America remain isolated, or should America assert a strong role
in world diplomacy? (Did you
support Wilson's League of Nations, or do you agree with Henry Cabot
Lodge's reluctance to become involved in foreign entanglements?)

Might makes right. America needs to stop the Germans from their facist
regeim. Wilson had it right.

5. Which is your favorite: Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, or Al
Capone? Why?

None. they should all be shot for killing innocent folks.

6. Did you feel Babe Ruth should be entitled to make more money than the
president of the United States [Coolidge]? (A very hot question in 1927,
the year Ruth hit 60 homers.)

More folks benefitted from the Babe playing baseball on a spiritual sense,
so why not?

7. Have you ever owned a Model T? (a "flivver") Why? (Model T's were
still very numerous throughout the
twenties. They were slow, clunky, very rugged... and cheap.)

Had a Caddy for a while, and a Fiat and then a GMC on the ranch for a bit.
Still have the GMC truck.

8. If you had your choice, would you want to fly with Lindbergh, trek to
the antarctic with Byrd, go fishing
with "Silent Cal" Coolidge, or hunt with Teddy Roosevelt? (Roosevelt
passed away in 1919, but everyone would still know him.)

Lindbergh first, then Byrd.

9. If you could invite either Cthulhu, Yog Sothoth, or Nyarlathotep to
dinner, which would you choose? What/who would you serve?

Don't know that it would make a difference. I don't think I would much
enjoy any of their company. Anyone that can't enjoy biscuits and gravy
don't know what he's missin.

10.a. For the women: Who would you rather spend the evening with? Rudy
Valentino, Charlie Chaplin, or
Warren G Harding (Harding was famous for his good looks!)

10.b. For the men: I find flappers attractive. True or
False. (http://www.pandorasbox.com/flapper.html) Explain.

I find them insipid and silly. A lady should have long hair, and not be
flaunting their skin all over the place. Except for her husband.

11. You are stuck on a train. Its a good thing you brought along your copy
of a) Weird Tales, b) Popular
Mechanics c) National Geographic d) Black Mask (the hard boiled detective
magazine) or e) Vanity Fair.
Explain. If your character would have been reading some other magazine,
you are free to use it instead.
(I think I have the proper timeline for Popular Mechanics and Black Mask,
but I'm not 100% sure.)

National Geographic. Looking through all the places to go visit next.

12. How were you affected by the Great War and how were you involved?

Joined the RAF at 16, fought in France, Belgium, Morroco and Germany. It
pretty much changed his life drastically.

13. Do you believe Houdini's abilities were due to the supernatural? What
is your general opinion of spiritualists, mediums, and magic(k)?

Magic exists. Its a force of nature and still mostly not understood by
modern man.


1. What actor or actress (from any era) would best portray this character?

Tom Selleck, from his Magnum PI days.

Final Question:

Characterize this PC in one sentence.

Fearless crack shot pilot with an uncanny capability with animals and a
wanderlust that tends to the outdoors.